Create an environment

This page assumes that you have already created a project and platforms access.

On your project dashboard, you'll see the two steps for creating an environment. Once you've created your access, you can click on "CREATE AN ENVIRONMENT".

project empty dashboard

After entering the name of your environment (production, dev, ...), you'll need to enter the orchestrator zone. this information allows us to deploy your environment's orchestrator as close as possible to where your VMs will be running.

orchestrator zone

The orchestrator zone does not restrict where your applications will be deployed, only where orchestrators must be deployed. You can choose "Europe" as the orchestrator zone and create an environment with "AWS - US East" as provider.

Next, we'll define the providers for your environment. A provider corresponds to a platform, a region and a platform access to be used. Click here form more information about providers.

Click on "Add provider to this environment".

add provider

You can also create an environment without provider. To add providers later or create external hosts

Then enter your provider details (platform, region and credetial to be used). You can add several providers in your environment.

And finally, you can specify where your load balancers will be deployed. load balancers

Load Balancers are also deployed on user infrastructure. This enables users to manage load balancers and deploy them as close as possible to their applications and users.

Even if load balancers are deployed on the user's account, you don't have to manage them. LayerOps takes care of monitoring them and ensuring they are highly available.

You can then click on the Create button. You will be redirected to the environment details page.