Load Balancer

You can find the "Load Balancer" menu on the left when you have selected an environment.


On the main Load Balancer page, you'll find the instances that run your Load Balancer. You can see their health status and where they are deployed. load balancer list

If the status of one of the instances fails, LayerOps will automatically replace it.

Custom domains

Custom domains provides the capability to link purchased domain names to services deployed with LayerOps. You can enter the domain name you have purchased from a domain registrar or any other domain provider.

You can enable the option to automatically generate an SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) certificate for the custom domain. SSL certificates secure the communication between users' browsers and the services, ensuring data privacy and encryption. By generating SSL certificates, you can enable HTTPS for your custom domains. LayerOps handles the renewal of SSL certificates for the custom domains.

custom domain

Once your custom domain has been created, a modal will open explaining how to generate your SSL certificate for the first time (you won't need to do anything to renew it). This step is mandatory to verify that the custom domain belongs to you

custom domain SSL

Routing rules

Routing rules are used to define specific rules for routing custom domains to services. It facilitates the mapping of custom domains to different services running on specific ports.

routing rules

When a service is deployed with a public port, LayerOps automatically generates a default routing rule that sends traffic to the service using a default URL.

Once your rule has been created, you will be given all the configuration information on the detail of your new rule. To finalize the configuration, you'll need to go to your DNS provider that manages your custom domain and create a new CNAME record pointing to the alias you'll be given.

routing rules config